Just to prove that I am still around and do occasionally still paint some things I thought I'd post a picture of a work in progress - the Vikings! Since SAGA was announced Vikings and the Dark Ages in general are totally in vohgue, but these are actually a WAB army in the making. I've also finished 10 Hirdmen and 12 Bondi archers, except for the basing which I'll do all together. Yes...I've been sidetracked from the Malifaux painting, but I have another two of the Ortegas mostly finished and just need to push on to finish the full crew.
The boys are back in town! |
Also, to prove that I actually game from time to time, too, here's a picture of a pretty good game of Shako II played at the club last Tuesday. My French infantry brigade (the lines in the foreground) saw off a Russian grenadier brigade which tried to break my lines at bayonet point! Much fun was had all round! I really like the rules and hope to play a bit more in future!
Always good to hear of progress and that you're still around.