About Me

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I'm a bit of a born-again wargamer! I played many of the Games Workshop games when I was in my teens and early twenties, but left the hobby behind when I went to University. Over the last few years I have gradually got back into it and am literally having a ball! I'll play pretty much anything now, ranging from ancient historical to the far future! I think that I get more out of the painting side of things than actually playing, but that might just be because I get more opportunity. Hence the title...this blog is all about the colour of war!!

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Chocks away for real!

Slightly related to the Check Your 6! review, I took my son and my brother to the Perth airshow today where they were flying a particularly interesting aircraft :-

This is the only remaining flying Hurricane that took part in the Battle of Britain. Seeing this old bird flying about like she was built yesterday was simply awesome! I got some footage of it, as well as a 1944 Spitfire and a Huey chopper that also actually served in Vietnam. Once I figure out how to get them off the camcorder I'll pop them on YouTube or something and post the links here.

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